Black Tuxedo AussieDoodle
The red black tuxedo color is classic but fairly rare, but we have them from time to time. They are usually fully covered with black. “Tuxedo” means this puppy has very little white; sometimes just a slit of white down the chest, as if the puppy were wearing a tuxedo.
See more Black Bi-Color AussieDoodleBlack Tuxedo AussieDoodleBlue Merle AussieDoodleBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle puppies
Congrats to: Josh and family from Isle Of Palms, SC on this Black Tuxedo F1b AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Larry and family from Midland, Texas on this Black Tuxedo F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Christina and family from Lancaster, TX on this Black Tuxedo F1 AussieDoodle puppy.