White Red Merle AussieDoodle
The “White”, in White Red Merle, means this is a red merle with a significant amount of white. It’s usually a white blaze on the snout, a big white chest, and white feet with some white up the legs.
See more Blue Merle AussieDoodleBlue Merle w/ Copper AussieDoodleBlue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodleRed Bi-Color AussieDoodleRed Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodleRed Merle w/White AussieDoodle puppies
Congrats to: Nicole and family from Ridgefield, WA on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Kathy and family from Wichita Falls, texas on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Isabea and family from Hillsborough, NJ on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Megan and family from Fort Worth, Texas on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Krystina and family from Morrow, OH on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Cynthia and family from Locust Valley, NY on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Ruby Red
Congrats to: Fahad and family from Floral Park, NY on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Liza and family from Point Pleasant, NJ on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Jessica and family from Gorham, ME on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Brandy and family from Weatherford, TX on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Leia Skye
Congrats to: Frances and family from Sayreville, NJ on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Meredith and family from Westerville , Ohio on this Red Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.