Makes: F1b BerneDoodles
Raised by: Angie in Noblesville, IN
Zuri - Our Phantom Bernedoodle
When we saw Zuri’s pictures as a puppy, we knew she was special, but her appearance is only part of what makes her truly one of a kind. She has an amazing temperament and is always wanting to be with her people. She loves playing with the grandkids, boat rides, walks, the beach, snow piles and every human and dog she meets. She is smart, quick to learn, still occasionally gets the zummies and gets so excited when we have visitors. She loves her naps and her “house” for sleeping at night and it’s common to hear to groan as she enjoys a good rest. She travels well and behaves well in public. She’s not afraid of sirens, fireworks, or loud vehicles and is such a happy dog! People stop us everywhere we go to love on her and ask what breed she is and always remark about her cute happy little prance. She really is remarkable in every way, and we can’t wait to meet her future puppies. She is sure to be a wonderful little mama.
Zuri's past puppies:
Miacomet – Apricot Bi-Color BerneDoodle
Congrats to: Ashley and family from Norwalk, CT on this Girl
Elvis – Blue Merle w/ White and Copper Bernedoodle
Congrats to: Betsy and family from Topeka, KS on this Boy
Rocky – Phantom Blue Merle BerneDoodle
Congrats to: Alexa and family from Indianapolis, IN on this Boy
Shere – Black Tri-Color BerneDoodle
Congrats to: Navdeep and family from Midlothian, Virginia on this Boy