
Breed: Australian Shepherd

Weight: 10lbs

Makes: none at this time

Raised by: Shannon in Hudson, MI

Dixie - She is one of our tiniest AwesomeDoodle mamas.

At 10 pounds, Dixie keeps them all in check.If there is one word to describe her, it’s spunky. She has 3 older doggie siblings in the house, Zinnie, another of our mamas, weighs 45 pounds and two Old English Sheepdogs who each weigh 80-90 pounds. What she lacks in size, she more than makes up for in speed, agility, and stamina. She runs circles around them. Even though she seems to never run out of energy when it’s time to play, she is calm and laid back when it’s time to relax inside. She is not a velcro dog in any way, but she loves to sit by you and be cuddled. She respects personal space so she is the one who usually scores a spot in bed at night. She hops up, asks where she should lay down, and she stays there quietly.

When strangers come over she alerts us to the possible danger but she calms down when told and immediately tries to make friends. It’s easy for her to do because she minds her manners and she’s so dang cute. She loves it when someone new picks her up and she immediately snuggles into their neck and will give an occasional polite little lick of appreciation. People go nuts over this and are always commenting on how sweet and calm she is.

This dog is no longer making puppies, and is living in it's furever home with it's furever family.

Dixie's past puppies: