
Breed: Australian Shepherd

Weight: 42lbs

Makes: none at this time

Raised by: Jordan & Angela in Ashley, Ohio

Belle - She is a compassionate, fun-loving Australian Shepherd!

When Belle meets a stranger, she looks to Jordan or Angela for “approval,” and then she immediately goes into “pet me! pet me!” mode. In fact, Belle can be demanding of affection. She is an all around happy dog who rarely leaves your side except to play with the other dogs now and then. But given the choice, Belle is happy to be sitting by your side, as long as you have one hand on her. She loves other dogs as long as she gets her fair share of attention. Belle is about 42lbs; a great size for those who want a dog a little smaller than a “standard,” but a little bigger than a mini. Belle and Cash together make puppies who grow to be 25-40lbs.

This dog is no longer making puppies, and is living in it's furever home with it's furever family.

Belle's past puppies:

blue merle aussiedoodle puppy in Christmas dress

PebblesBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Ron and family from Fort Wayne, Indiana on this Girl

"Pebbles is just over 20 pounds at 16 weeks. Hopefully, the rate of weight gain slows and she ends in that 35 to 45 pound range. She is now sleeping later, 9 to 7 as opposed to 9 to 4 or 5. She has been excellent in her nighttime crate, with any accidents from day one! She understands poops go outside, occasionally in the pine pellet tray, but peeing in the house is still a problem (luckily we have hard surface flooring and not carpet). We occasionally put her in her daytime crate and go out for short periods and she does great and just quietly naps. She likes to chew on a small squeaky toy. Sometimes we’ll throw it and she has learned to bring it back and drop it for a treat. Another favorite is knocking around an empty 1 litter soda bottle. She’ll run into it a bump it around, trying and trying to get ahold of it. For socialization we often bring her to several of the stores that are pet friendly. We get her together occasionally with dogs we know. We are also looking forward for her 4th shot next week so we can broaden exposure. She is very smart and picks up on things like sitting and waiting. Except when she’s overly excited or has the zoomies. We have two food puzzle games that she likes. She also has a ball that treats drop out of that didn’t take long for her to figure out about rolling it around."
blue merle aussiedoodle puppy at Christmas

AlfieBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Melissa and family from Armonk, NY on this Boy

blue merle with white aussiedoodle puppy at Christmas

JackBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Steve and family from Plainfield , IL on this Boy

BarkleyBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Danielle and family from Aspen, Colorado on this Boy

KyrraBlack Bi-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Sheryl and family from Annapolis, MD on this Girl

ArielBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Kendra and family from Indianapolis, IN on this Girl

BellaBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Lana and family from Prescott, Wisconsin on this Girl

RosieBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Danielle and family from West Long Branch, New Jersey on this Girl

MulanBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Chuck and family from Lakeland, Tn on this Girl

EddyBlack Bi-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Sari and family from Dunedin, FL on this Boy